paulose ii (indian orthodox church) artinya
- ii: dua
- orthodox: kaum ortodox; ortodoks; yg boleh diterima dan
- orthodox church: gereja ortodoks
- belarusian orthodox church: gereja ortodoks belarusia
- bishop in the eastern orthodox church: uskup (gereja ortodoks timur)
- bulgarian orthodox church: gereja ortodoks bulgaria
- chinese orthodox church: gereja ortodoks tiongkok
- coptic orthodox church: gereja ortodoks koptik
- coptic orthodox church of alexandria: gereja ortodoks koptik iskandariah; gereja ortodoks koptik aleksandria
- eastern orthodox church: gereja ortodoks timur; gereja ortodoks
- eastern orthodox church footer: ortodoks
- eastern orthodox church organization: organisasi gereja ortodoks
- eastern orthodox church sidebar: sidebar ortodoks timur
- eastern orthodox church stubs: rintisan bertopik gereja ortodoks timur
- eastern orthodox church templates: templat gereja ortodoks timur